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Capsicum Chaos VS Citric Acid.
Rockhampton Museum of Art. Nov 22 - Feb 23. 
Exhibition Images: Credit; Rockhampton Museum of Art.
Wrestling performance documentation at Beast Martial Arts: image credit; William Debois. 

Jonathan McBurnie writes: Julia Higgs' pieces embrace the over-the-top antics of wrestling, replacing the face and heel of a match with a vegetable-acid themed binary, capsicum verses citrus (or more specifically capsicum chaos verses citric acid). Beside the gleeful cartoonish costume of these two characters we are left clueless as to who is the hero and villain of the works. This is itself a parody of the broad character sketches we come to associate with wrestling but remains deeply affectionate. These two characters would not be out of place in an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants or Ren and Stimpy, and extend Higgs' own practice, which embraces absurdity and humor in its performative elements. 

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